Free VST Plugins
Once the free link in the different tabs takes you to vst4free site. Search is in the right hand upper corner.

Drum (Percussion) VST Plugins
KVR Plugins (Search all Drums)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Drums)
Waves (Search all Drums)
Vst4free (Search Drums) (FREE)
Drum Machines (FREE)Drum kits
Arturia Spark
Audio Damage Tattoo
Audio Imperia Cerberus
AudioRealism Drum Machine
Audiospillage Elecktroid
Audiospillage Minispillage
Beatfactory Drums
Beatlab Analog Techno Drums
Drum Pro (FREE)Drum Synthesizers
Drumtic 3 (FREE)
D16 Drumazon
D16 Nepheton
D16 Nithonat
D16 Punchbox
East West Drums SD3
Fxpansion BFD3
FXpansion Geist
FXpansion Tremor
Heavyocity Damage
Heavyocity DM-307
Heavyocity Ensemble Drums
Image-Line Drumaxx
Image-Line Groove Machine
Izotope Breaktweaker
Laboratory Audio Strikeforce
MT Power Drum Kit 2 (FREE)
Native Instruments Abby Road Drummer
Native Instrument Battery 4
Plugin Boutique Big Kick
Rayzoom Jamtix 4
Red Room Audio SAGA
Rob Papin Punch
Sean Pandy Drums (FREE)
Sennheiser DrumMic'a
Single Cycle Vintage Drum
SM Drum Kit
Softtube Heartbeat
Sonic Academy Kick 2
Sonic Charge Microtonic
Sonivox Big Bang Cinematic
Soundiron Apocalypse Percussion
Soundiron Bamboo Stick
Splash Sound Epic Percussion
Steven Slate Drums 5
Studio Linked Drum Pro (FREE)
Synsonic Instruments BD-909 and BD-808
T.REX 606 (FREE)
The Drum Source
Thenatan Drum Machine TRAX
Toontrack Superior Drummer 3
Toontrack EZ Drummer 2
Sonuscore Trinity Drums
Unearthed Siege Drums
Wave Alchemy Drumvolution
XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2.0
Xils Lab Stix
Xfer Records Nerve

Synthesizer VST Plugins
The synthesizers below are some suggestions to get started with your recording studio.
The Synth1 is a free plugin. Plenty producers use this synthesizer in their productions. You can download 1000's of presets and their is a program called Synth1 Librarian that makes searching sounds super easy. This is a great place to start learning synths and how they function. A very practical synth to learn on.
Take a look at the other synthesizers I listed. They are some of the most popular synths used by producers all over the world.
And finally the FREE SYNTHS offer some interesting sounds as well. So from free to very expensive I have compiled a list of my favorites to make it easy to find what your looking for.
KVR Plugins (Search all Synths)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Synths)
Waves (Search all Synths)
Vst4free (Search Synths) (FREE)
Air Music Tech The Riser
Arturia Pigments
Arturia V Collection 6
Audio Damage Phosphor 2D16 LuSH-101Dexed (FREE)
FabFilter Twin 2
Future Audio Workshop Circle2
Fxpansion Cypher 2
Fxpansion Strobe 2
Gothic Instruments Dronar Master
Ik Multimedia Sampletank 4
Image-Line Harmor
Izotope Iris 2
KV331 Audio Synthmaster One
Lennar Digital Sylenth1
Lush-101 By D16 Audio
Native Instruments FM 8
Native Instruments Absynth 5
Native Instruments Komplete 12
Native Instruments Kontakt 6
Native Instruments Massive
Native Instruments Massive X
Native Instruments Reaktor 6
Native Instruments Rounds
Razor By Native Instruments
Nexus 2 By Refx
Oberheim Sem V By Arturia
Parawave Audiodesign Rapid
Phobos By Spitfire Audio
Plugin Boutique Carbon Electra
Propellerhead Complex-1
Propellerhead Software Europa
ReFX Nexus
Retrologue 2 By Steinberg
Reveal Sound Spire
Rob Papen Go2
Rob Papen SubBoomBass 2
ROLI Equator
Sloo By Tim Exile
Softube Modular
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.5
Spectrasonics Keyscape
Spitfire Labs
Synapse Audio Dune 3
Spectrasonics Trilian
Sugarbytes Factory
Sugarbytes Cyclop
Synth1 (FREE)
U-He Diva
U-He Hive
U-He Repro-1
U-He Zebra 2
U-He Bazille
Uvi Falcon
Vengeance-Sound Vps Avenger
Xfer Serum
Xfer Nerve

Bass VST Plugins
KVR Plugins (Search all Bass)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Bass)
Waves (Search all Bass)
Vst4free (Search Bass) (FREE)
4 Front Bass (FREE)
Ample Bass P Lite II (FREE)
Cerberus Bass Amp
Arturia Minimoog V
BASiS by Vir2
Bass Bundle by Ilya Efimov
Bass Line 3 by Audiorealism
Bass Slapper Waves
Bassline - 101 by TAL
Chris Hein Bass by Chris Hein
Cyclop by Sugar Bytes
DopeSonics Bass Engine
Ilya Efimov Bass Bundle
Loopmasters Bass Master
ManyBass by Manytone
Modo Bass by IK Multimedia
NI Massive
NI Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass
Novation Bass StationOMB2 (FREE)
NUsofting – Sinnah (FREE)
OMB2 Bass
Rob Papin Subboom Bass 2
Shreddage Bass 2 Impact Soundworks
Spectrasonics Trilian
SubBoomBass2 by Rob Papen
Substance by Output
Sugarbytes CyclopTAL – Bassline (FREE)TAL – Elek7ro (FREE)u-he – TyrellN6 (FREE)
UJAM Virtual Bassist

Guitar Amp Simulator VST Plugins
KVR Plugins (Search all Amps)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Amps)
Waves (Search all Amps)
Vst4free (Search Amps) (FREE)
Audified Amplion
Free Amp 3 (FREE)
Fender 55 Tweed UA
Ignite Amps
IK Multimedia Amplitube
JST ToneforgeKuassa MatchlockLePou plugins (FREE)
Line 6 Helix Native
Line6 POD Farm 2.5 Platinum
Magix Vandal
Nick Crow Amps
NI Guitar Rig 5 Pro
Overloud TH3
Peavey Revalver MK III
Pedals (FREE)
Positive Grid BIAS FX 2
Poulin Amps
Scuffham S-Gear
Shred Suite (FREE)
Softube Metal Amp Room
Studio Devil Amp Modeller Pro
TSE Audio
Universal Audio ENGL Amps
Universal Audio Fender 55 Tweed
Waves CLR Guitars
Waves GTR3
Waves PRS SuperModels

Digital Audio Work Stations
Below is a list of some of the most popular DAW's on the market.
You can visit this site Click Here to explore the other DAW's that are not so popular. I wanted you to be aware of them.
Ableton LIve
Apple GarageBand
Audacity (FREE)
BandLab Sonar (Cakewalk)
Bitwig Studio
Cockos Reaper
Cubase Pro
FL Studio
Harrison Mixbus
Logic Pro X
Magix Acid Pro 9
Magix Samplitude Pro X4
Merging Pyramix 12
Mixcraft 9 PRO Studio
MOTU Digital Performer
MuTools MuLab
Presonus Studio One 4
Propellerhead Reason
Rosegarden (FREE)
Steinberg Cubase
Steinberg Nuendo
Steinberg Sequel 3
Tracktion Software Waveform
MixPad (FREE)
Zynewave Podium

KVR Plugins (Search all Pianos)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Pianos)
Waves (Search all Pianos)
Piano Plugins FREE
4 Front Piano (Free)
Cinematic Studio Piano
City Piano (Free)
Dpiano-A (Free)
Dsk Akoustik Keyz (Free)
Eastwest Quantum Leap Pianos
Ez Keys
Garritan Abbey Road Cfx
Garritan Instant Orchestra Piano
General (Free)
Iowa Piano (Free)
Japanpiano (Free)
Jazz Baby (Free)
Keyscape Collector Keyboards
Keyzone Classic 1.0 (Free)
Modartt Pianoteq 5
Native Instruments Alicia’S Keys
Native Instruments The Giant
Piano In Blue
Piano One (Free)
Salamander Grand Piano (Free)
Skerratt London Piano (Free)
SonicCouture Hammersmith
Sonivox Eighty Eight Ensemble
Soundiron Emotional Piano Player Edition
Spectrasonics Keyscape
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2
Synthogy Ivory Ii Grand Pianos
Synthogy Ivory Ii Italian Grand
Synthogy Ivory Ii Upright Pianos
True Pianos
Vi Labs Ravenscroft 275 B
Vsl Vienna Imperial
Waves Electric 88
Xln Addictive Keys

Electric Pianos
KVR Plugins (Search all Electric Pianos)
Plugin Boutique (Search all Electric Pianos)
Waves (Search all Electric Pianos)
Vst4free (Search Electric Pianos) (FREE)
Acoustic Samles Mark 79
Arturia Stage-73 V Synth
Cinematique Instruments Electric Piano
Genuine Sound Mr Ray 73 Mark II
Native Instrument Kontakt 6
Lounge lizard
Modartt Electric Pianos
MOTU Electric Keys
Native Instruments Scarbee Mark INoise Ash Sweetcase (FREE)
Premier Sound Factory MK-1
Siel PX Electric Piano (FREE)
Sonic Couture EP73
Spectrasonics Keyscape Electric Piano
ToonTracks Classic Electrics
UVI Key Suite Electric The Essentials
Waves electric 200 stereo piano
Waves electric 88 Piano

Orchestra & Strings
FREE Orchestra VST's
8 Dio–Majestica
8Dio: Adagio Strings
8Dio Century Strings Bundle
8Dio Cage Woodwinds
Analog Brass & Winds By Output
Audiobro: La Scoring Strings
Big Fish Audio: Complete Orchestral Collection
Cinematic Strings
Cinesamples CineBrass CORE
Cinesamples: Cinestrings
Dsk Overture (FREE)
Eastwest Quantum Leap
Eastwest Symphonic Orchestra
Garritan Instant Orchestra
Garritan Personal Orchestra 5
IK Miroslav Philharmonik Orchestra
Impact Soundworks Bravura Scoring Brass
Jaeger Audio Imperia
Orchestral Tools Metropolis Ark 1
Native Instruments Komplete 11
Native Instruments Session Horns Pro
Native Instruments Session Strings Pro
Native Instruments String Ensemble
Native Instruments Woodwinds
Orchestral Metropolis ARK 1
Orchestral Tools Berlin Strings
Projectsam Symphobia